Campaign Orchestration System​

Our proprietary InCapture platform supports the entire demand generation process. Every campaign is created with the help of this module, which prompts our staff to provide all the necessary client information and details for all phases of the campaign.
While the Workflow Automation System (see below) manages the various stages of the demand generation process, the Campaign Orchestration System ensures that the data and qualified prospects we deliver to you meet stringent campaign specifications.

Data Management System

Every successful demand generation campaign depends on good data. Our Data Management System helps deliver both the highest quality and quantity of data for your campaign.
It features access to a comprehensive database of cloud technology decision-makers, assembled using diverse data sources and methods
It also enables us to update records in real-time as part of our continuous data cleansing process, ensuring that we’re always working with the best data for your campaign.

Data Profiling System

Finding qualified prospects starts with targeting the right suspects. With advanced data profiling capabilities, our InCapture platform enables us to quickly and accurately identify the most likely accounts and contacts to target for your campaign

Data Profiling System

Most intent monitoring solutions can only tell you the names of companies that are showing surging intent for your solution. But thanks to proprietary InCapture technology that monitors intent through multiple channels (including past and recent email activity, whitepaper downloads, phone conversations, and video and other online views) InsideUp can tell you not just the names of the companies, but the names of the people at those companies who are showing intent, and if they’re qualified for your campaign.

Marketing Automation System

The content syndication technology within our InCapture platform enables us to build, launch, and track a complete direct marketing campaign customized for your unique value proposition and featuring your unique content.

Advanced capabilities such as enhanced email deliverability and channel attribution enable us to calibrate your campaign for maximum impact. And with real-time performance visibility, we can optimize your campaign on the fly.

Content Management System

Every InsideUp client has access to an account portal within InCapture that enables you to upload and maintain content assets of various types, such as white papers, eBooks, brochures, recorded webinars or videos, on our system. We use this built-in content management system to quickly and effectively tailor emails and landing pages for your review and approval.

Sales Engagement System

After the direct marketing phase of your campaign, it’s time to re-target the most promising prospects in the nurturing phase. That’s where InCapture’s Sales Engagement System comes in.

Using this system, we promote your unique value proposition through a sequence of personalized messages via email, phone call, and social media that refine the level of interest expressed by each contact.

Every tactic in the cadence can be completely customized. Your messaging and value propositions are incorporated into the content, and emails can be personalized using any target attribute in our database – something that would require a sophisticated stack of technology to achieve using an in-house campaign.

Online Training

It only makes sense that the people who work on your campaign should be fully versed in your solution. At InsideUp, we utilize an online learning management system that lets us easily create a customized set of courses to train the team working on your campaign.

The system guides trainees through the materials in a recommended sequence, administers quizzes to test their knowledge, and grades the results. Only those who successfully complete the curriculum and demonstrate an acceptable level of comprehension are cleared to work on your campaign.

Verification System

One of the most unique features of our InCapture platform is our campaign-specific Verification System, which is used to determine if prospects qualify based on conversations with them, as well as third-party validation of elements such as current job title, company size, industry, and street address.
This system allows us to verify the prospect’s decision-making ability, whether or not specific solution features were discussed, and the desired timeframe for evaluating a solution.

We also employ sophisticated call analytics to assist our team in a rigorous quality-control process, ensuring that only the most highly qualified leads get delivered to your business.