
Dracula sucks light out of dark – passive IoT will drive massive IoT, claims LoRa crowd

The eureka moment at The Things Conference in Amsterdam came from French firm Dracula Technologies, with an indoor light-sucking solution for passive LoRaWAN.


Fleet & Mobility Live to showcase fleet of tomorrow with latest innovations

This year’s Fleet & Mobility Live Tomorrow's Fleet area will showcase some of the latest innovations shaping the future of fleet.                   


OWASP Top 10 IoT Vulnerabilities: How to Avoid Them!

Introduction In today’s interconnected world, understanding the OWASP Top 10 IoT vulnerabilities is crucial, especially for small businesses striving to maintain a secure environment. The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing how small businesses operate, offering innovative solutions and opportunities for efficiency and growth. However, with the myriad of benefits ...


How AI is transforming telematics

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics of the year. But in trucking, and more specifically telematics, is it a buzzword, a passing fad,


Guide to IoT in 2023: What’s New and Why It Matters?

The thermometer, connected to the casino’s network, allowed the hackers to access the system. Once inside, they managed to transfer data to an external device, siphoning ... to enhance safety and efficiency. Fleet Management Systems Provides real-time ...


Best GPS Fleet Tracking Software Of 2023

If you’re looking for an effective way to monitor your fleet vehicles and assets, GPS fleet tracking software should be on your radar. As long as you choose a quality solution that works well for your unique business needs,


How Data Quality Enables Advanced Analytics In Supply Chain Management

The supply chain generates torrents of intricate data, rendering swift decision-making a pressing necessity. Advanced analytics are poised to navigate this complexity, but their efficacy hinges on the availability of accurate data and well-defined workflows, enabling procurement and supply chain teams to respond with agility.







Video Blog

Do The Benefits of Cloud Data Protection Outweigh On-Prem Solutions?

If you’re thinking of making the switch—and wondering how cloud data protection compares with on-premise data protection, take a moment to watch this video. You’ll learn what you can expect from each when it comes to security breaches and disaster recovery.

Video Blog

Which Collaboration Tools Actually Increase Productivity?

The right online collaboration tools can streamline processes and greatly increase overall productivity. But with so many providers and a virtually endless array of features, how do you find the right fit for your business? Watch this brief video for tips on finding a solution that works for your team.

Video Blog

The Right Ways to On-board Your Team To Get the Most From A Collaboration Dashboard

The most streamlined, intuitive collaboration dashboard will fail without an engaged team committed to its use. Time spent getting team members truly onboard (“heart and soul”) with the new online collaboration tools will quickly pay for itself in newfound efficiencies across your organization. Watch this video for some tips.