
The Client

Industry: Unified Communications
Company Size: 1,500 employees

With a myriad of choices available in the field of cloud communications, this InsideUp client with over 1500 employees and over $500M in revenue has been able to establish a differentiated position as an early proponent of the trend towards making contact centers the gateway to unified communication decision-makers at target companies.

This vendor’s ability to easily involve any company employee in solving a customer concern or taking advantage of a buying signal in real time is a key driver of their recent growth.


The Challenge: Getting Their Unique Message Seen by the Right Targets

With the message that a connected contact center solution is the key to creating an excellent customer experience, this vendor has risen above the noise. But they needed to get this message in front of the best corporate targets and properly nurture those prospects to the point of requesting a sales discussion.

What was needed was a combination of targeted data extraction and compelling content targeting the right decision makers who are in “market” and receptive to a better communication solution.


InsideUp —Combining Data Expertise with the Craft of Storytelling

Primary focus was placed on industries that require a great deal of customer engagement. Targets within these industries – particularly those with an established team of contact center agents – would naturally be more receptive to a message about improving customer experience through a connected contact center.

Next, the InsideUp team identified job titles to target within leadership teams involved with contact center services. Emphasis was placed on ones with a propensity for selecting cloud-based technology.

All these attributes allowed our dedicated data team to input the personas that enabled our data profiling technology to identify a sufficient pool of prospects for this campaign. Predictive analysis was also used to find “look-alike” companies that exhibited the same characteristics.

Finally, we crafted a series of customized emails that incorporated the client’s messaging while supporting their storytelling to prospects looking to compete more effectively in a field where customer engagement is key.

Our intent monitoring technology kept track of the engagement that was exhibited in real time and, once these leads were verified, they were immediately delivered for follow-up.


Less is More

By concentrating external content syndication on targeted data and relying on the story-telling of InsideUp campaign professionals, this client was able to expand its multi-channel nurturing approach to include webinar invites, social media posts and phone outreach.

The client was able to double their email response to an 8% response rate from follow-on campaigns. By working with more targeted intent data, they were able to develop the kind of interest that strongly resonated with the vendor’s value proposition.