
Cyber AI for the Inbox

Some traditional email security tools are just not powerful enough today, causing organizations to suffer from cyber-attacks more often. Antigena Email, the email security tool for the modern day, learns the “human element” aspects unique to an organization embedded within inbound, outbound and internal emails. Any suspicious activity ...


Darktrace Cyber AI Analyst

With its new tool, Cyber AI Analyst, Darktrace has made the process of cyber threat investigation more advanced and comprehensive. By understanding context (the way a human expert would), Cyber AI Analyst is able to conclude just how serious a threat may be and connects the dots between related security ...


Defending Critical Infrastructure Against Ransomware

The Colonial Pipeline ransomware incident highlighted the significant threat that ransomware poses to organizations overseeing industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT). Gaining visibility into these environments remains a challenge, and convergence between OT and IT mean ICS is increasingly exposed to attack.    This white paper ...


Darktrace AI: Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning

  Supervised learning works by using previously-classified data, from which the machine learns the classification system. For scenarios where behaviors are well understood and classifications are easy to determine, the output of such systems can be highly accurate.   For example, state-of-the-art image classification systems are outperforming humans in some ...


Threat Landscape Series: Insider Threats

Darktrace has predicted that insider threat from the great resignation or reshuffle will be one of the greatest cyber threats in store for 2022. This is due to the high potential for insiders to take sensitive data with them (i.e. customer lists) to their new jobs.   Legacy based ...


Fight Ransomware With AI

Taking targeted and proportionate action to contain threats is critical to avoiding disruption, and this is only possible with an evolving understanding of what’s ‘normal’ for the business. By continuously updating its understanding of ‘normal’, Darktrace neutralizes ransomware at every stage of the attack &...


Antigena Endpoint

With the concept of the digital perimeter crumbling, organizations can no longer rely on firewalled offices and VPNs to defend against today’s novel and sophisticated attacks. As employees adopt more flexible and hybrid working patterns, the endpoint is now the easiest and most valuable entryway into compromising an ...