
2021 Ransomware Threat Report

Security teams in both the private and public sector are being forced to rethink their strategies for dealing with ransomware, as existing defenses repeatedly prove inadequate. The signature-based defenses that organizations rely on are too slow, static, and siloed to meaningfully stop fast-moving, sophisticated threats.    This ...


2021 Cyber-Threat Landscape

The cyber-threat landscape is constantly changing, but with attackers ramping up the scale and sophistication of their campaigns faster than ever, it is now clear that security tools reliant on rules and signatures are fundamentally incapable of protecting organizations from today’s threats.   This white paper ...


Defending Critical Infrastructure Against Ransomware

The Colonial Pipeline ransomware incident highlighted the significant threat that ransomware poses to organizations overseeing industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT). Gaining visibility into these environments remains a challenge, and convergence between OT and IT mean ICS is increasingly exposed to attack.    This white paper ...


The Evolution of Autonomous Response

Today, cybersecurity is no longer a human-scale problem: it is a machine-on-machine fight. It is critical that organizations adopt defensive AI to protect against this next generation of automated attacks. Autonomous Response technology is fundamental to thwarting in-progress threats – no matter how novel or sophisticated.   This&...


Cyber AI for SaaS: Protecting Your Dynamic Workforce

While we continue to live in a world surrounded by cloud technology, security is an absolute necessity. By implementing self-learning AI, Darktrace is able to protect your network, email systems and many more applications. Anything suspicious or abnormal is immediately caught by the AI and reported to the user. Watch ...


2021 Industry Spotlight: Financial Services

The financial services industry is one of the key sectors targeted by cyber-criminals, and over the past year it has faced its share of challenges. The threats faced by financial services sector have improved in sophistication and have been accelerating at a rapid rate.  The severity ...


2021 Industry Spotlight: Healthcare

During the past year there have been several well-publicized cyber-attacks targetting the healthcare sector. Being an industry that is already operating at full capacity, there is simply no extra time available to recover from a cyber-attack. Many companies have shifted towards self-learning Cyber AI to help protect their operations ...