
Kit di risorse per le competenze cloud: migrazione di Windows Server e SQL Server

Con le soluzioni basate sul cloud, le aziende possono fornire nuove funzionalità più rapidamente e su vasta scala, mentre i responsabili IT possono concentrarsi maggiormente sulle priorità strategiche. Tuttavia, sebbene il cloud offra evidenti vantaggi, la transizione al cloud deve essere eseguita in un modo che non ...


Kit di risorse IT: introduzione agli ambienti ibridi e multicloud

Gli ambienti dei clienti stanno diventando sempre più complessi, con migliaia di applicazioni eseguite in un'infrastruttura diversificata. Azure può aiutarti a gestire facilmente i tuoi ambienti ibridi e multicloud, che si trovino in locale, nel cloud o nella rete perimetrale, e questo kit di risorse è un ...


Developer's Guide to Azure - Digital and Application Innovation Managed

The Developer's Guide to Azure is designed for developers and architects who are embarking on their journey into Microsoft Azure. In this guide, you will learn how to get started and choose services that are appropriate for your scenarios. From creating websites, databases, and desktop and mobile applications, to ...


Six Steps to Build a Holistic Security Strategy

Securing data and systems is a top priority for organizations. But meeting this challenge gets more difficult every day as attacks grow more sophisticated, employees use a wider array of devices and applications and data flows into and out of your business in more ways. With the mass move to ...


Moving Productivity to the Cloud: Successfully Managing Change

This eBook is for line-of-business executives and managers who are considering moving to a cloud productivity platform, as well as the IT executives and managers who will be charged with implementing the changes. The book outlines considerations and strategies for minimizing disruption and user dissatisfaction when making the change and ...


Four Ways to Maximize Your Business Intelligence Investments

In today’s data-driven world, organisations like yours are driving efforts to maximise data investments to have the greatest business impact possible. This may include implementing data security, unifying data silos and providing real-time analytics throughout your organisation. As you consider your data future, explore how companies like yours ...


Cloud Skills Resource Kit Migrating Windows Server and SQL Server

With cloud-based solutions, organisations can not only deliver new features faster and at scale, IT managers also have more flexibility to focus on strategic priorities. But while the cloud offers clear benefits, transitioning to the cloud must be done in a way that doesn’t disrupt legacy infrastructure and ...